Men's Health

Psychologically caused Erectile Dysfunction: What can be done?

Doctors call it erectile dysfunction. It has many causes. Physical, social, and psychological factors all play a part in erectile dysfunction. These factors are closely linked.

A connection exists between depression and erectile disorder. They can cause, perpetuate or even worsen each other.

About 10 percent of people with erectile problems are affected by psychological factors. Erection issues are often caused by psychological problems, especially in young men. Erection issues that are psychologically based are easily treatable.

What is the relationship between Erection and Head?

Many people do not realize that a large part of sexuality is not based in the genitals but rather in the brain. The brain is, in a sense, the center of desire.

In the brain, sexual stimuli and attraction translate into a sense of sexual arousal. The erotic stimuli are then transmitted by the brain to the nerve cords and nodes of the penis via the spinal chord.

The parasympathetic system is also activated by the stimulus. The blood vessels dilate and fill the corpora venosa with blood. Blood backs up, and the penis hardens.

This is why the erection process is extremely complex, and all of its components are perfectly coordinated. This process can be disrupted, resulting in erectile malfunction.

Stress activates your sympathetic nervous system. This is the opposite of the parasympathetic system which is crucial for erection. Stress can make the penis even more flaccid.

The transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the penis is also affected by emotional and mental states. Stress, depression, anger, or anxiety can cause erectile malfunction.

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What psychological Factors can cause Erectile malfunction?

There are some psychological triggers to erectile disorder, although most are physical.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by anxiety, depression and other mental disorders. Many of the drugs used to treat mental illness can also cause erectile malfunction.

Psychological factors can cause a “blockage”, even in people who are “healthy”. Fear of failure, low self-esteem, or sexual pressure can all play a part for many men.

Such negative emotions can lead to erectile dysfunction. This negative experience can increase the psychological pressure when erectile dysfunction occurs. It creates a spiral of negative emotions, whereby psychological issues and erectile problems trigger each other or reinforce themselves.

Most common psychological causes of Erectile Dysfunction:

  • Depression
  • Fears, phobias 
  • Stress
  • Problems with Partnership
  • Fear of failure
  • Negative Sexual Experiences include, for example: Sexual abuse in childhood

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What can you do about Erectile Dysfunction caused by psychological Factors?

Priority must be given to the root cause. Sex therapy is a great option. In therapy, you can change certain thinking and behavior patterns and reduce the sexual pressure.

If the erectile disorder persists longer than six months, PDE-5-inhibitors (Viagra Cialis etc.) can be prescribed. As a complement, these drugs can be taken. These drugs are usually prescribed for erectile disorders that are caused by physical trauma. In small doses, they can be prescribed to treat erectile problems that are psychologically induced.

A positive sexual experience can stop the spiral of negativity and eventually, a man will not need a sexual enhancer. Some men find that the mere availability of a male enhancement product is enough to boost their confidence.

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Consult your doctor if you have erectile dysfunction. In most cases, once the cause of erectile malfunction is known, it can be easily treated.

Erectile dysfunction, especially when caused by psychological factors, is often only temporary. You can stop the downward spiral with the right therapy. It is sometimes enough to openly discuss your problems and feelings with your partner.

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Why to use men's health supplements?

All of us know that the huge majority of us don't always eat a perfect diet, particularly in today's hectic, fast-paced universe. Therefore, using mens health prostate supplements functions to guarantee the ability of the body to acquire a sufficient number of nutrients that promote optimal prostate health.

How to avoid prostate cancer?

Men interested in fighting-off the risk of prostate cancer have to take-in a sufficient quantity of phytochemicals. Naturally-occurring phytochemicals are found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables. Yet phytochemicals also have been added to a lot of prostate health supplements.

Why to consume phytochemicals?

When natural health prostate supplements contain phytochemicals, they then may permit the body to mount a three-pronged attack against prostate complications. For instance, phytochemicals may disrupt the cell cycle, thus slowing the growth of the prostate cancer cells.

Phytochemicals can stop the formation of blood vessels, thus essentially starving the cancer cells.

How to prevent prostate cancer?

Mens health prostate supplements provide all males a highly effective tool in the struggle to prevent prostate cancer. Still the effectiveness of these supplements becomes much greater, when they provide men with a way to get important antioxidants.

Such antioxidants help protect prostate health by combating free radical damage.

What to eat to stop prostate tumors?

Two other cancer-fighting substances which are found in foods also have been added to a natural prostate supplements. One is omega-3 fats, like those found in fish. Omega-3 fats help to stop the migration of prostate tumors.

Still, the consumer of health products have to be careful not to get mens health prostate supplements which contain omega-6 fats. Those fats have been shown to help the migration of prostate cancer cells to the bone marrow.

How to naturally prevent prostate cancer?

Finally, no article about preventing prostate cancer could be complete without the mention of Vitamin D. When metabolized, that vitamin becomes calcitriol, which may slow the growth of prostate cancer cells. Vitamin D can be obtained by exposure to sunlight, or by eating foods fortified inside.

Still, not everybody has the time and ability to devote part of every day soaking in sunlight. Not everyone would like to drink a glass of milk per day. That then explains why Vitamin D has been added to a lot of prostate health supplements. Likewise, that explains why every man over 40 should consider using supplements.

How to treat enlarged prostate gland?

If you suffer from an enlarged prostate gland, then you need to search for natural prostate supplements which contain anti inflammatory ingredients that will help decrease the inflammation that's causing the gland to enlarge. Two of the best such ingredients are: Saw Palmetto and Beta Sitosterol.

What are effects of benign prostatic hyperplasia?

BPH can lead to kidney failure and make it difficult to urinate. Notable signs to look out for include blood in the urine or bone pain, and unexplained weight loss.

BPH is caused by abnormal swelling or overgrowth in the prostate tissue. It eventually blocks the bladder or urethra opening.

Does testosterone imbalances cause prostate issues?

The prostate tissue overgrowth is caused by hormone changes. In particular, it is a decrease of testosterone and an increase dihydrotestosterone. Dihydrotestosterone, a more active form of testosterone, is associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer and BPH.

How do holistic practitiones see benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Holistic practitioners see BPH as a form of prostate cancer that is just waiting to happen. It is the hormone prolactin that causes the increase in DHT. This hormone is produced by the pituitary. It is the trigger that initiates the enzyme to convert testosterone into DHT. If prolactin is secreted over a long period of time, it can cause an overproduction and an excess that can play a significant role in the development and onset BPH.

When does the body produce a lot of prolactin?

Prolactin production increases when there is high emotional stress, alcohol consumption, and beer. Chronic constipation can also increase the severity of the condition.

BPH can also be caused by nutritional deficiencies, congestion of the lymphatic system, especially around the prostate, as well as environmental toxins.

How to prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Prevention is the best way to combat BPH. This will include a yearly physical which includes both a blood test to determine prostate specific antigen score (PSA) and a digital rectal examination. For men over 40, the PSA should be performed. You may also benefit from ultrasound, blood tests to assess your immune status, or a urinalysis.

Why should you tests your hormones when aging?

Hormone testing is also recommended for those over 40. This way you can prevent many prostate issues, for example benign prostatic hyperplasia. You should also eat a healthy diet, which is organic and natural, and exercise at least three times per week. To help prevent infection, use a condom when you have sex.

How can you relieve prostate pain?

Aromatherapy can be used to relieve some symptoms. These essential oils include bergamot and sandalwood, tea tree oil, and chamomile.

Ashwagandha, an Ayurvedic herb, can also be used to reduce symptoms. Avoid foods that are low in fiber and high levels of unhealthy saturated fats.

What to avoid for prostate health?

Avoid caffeine, sugars and their products, alcohol, simple carbs, partially hydrogenated and hydrocarbonated oils and fats as well as shortening, margarine, and all processed and commercial "junk food".

A diet that includes organic whole foods, lots of fresh, raw vegetables and fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, such as pumpkin and sunflower seeds, is what you want.

How to mantain a healthy body?

Reduce your intake of red meat and ensure that it is organic, natural, free-range poultry, and only wild-caught seafood. Get lots of filtered water. Tap water can contain heavy metals and pesticide residues which can settle in your prostate gland. Avoid spicy foods.

Men's Health

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction is when a man cannot maintain an erection during sexual activity for at least six consecutive months despite being sexually stimulated. Men over 50 can experience erectile dysfunction, as can younger men. Erectile dysfunction, for example, can be caused from diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol or depression.

The first step to alleviating erectile dysfunction is treating these conditions. PDE-5 inhibiters, for example, also influence blood flow directly to the penis, thereby supporting sexual activity. Healthy lifestyles can help prevent diseases that cause erectile malfunction.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

The urologist will diagnose erectile disorder (also known as impotentia conundi) if the man cannot get or maintain an erection for a period six months, despite sexual stimulation. 

It is frustrating for men and couples because, despite the libido (sexual desire), sexual intimacy is not possible. The quality of life and well-being of affected men, as well as the relationship, suffer in the long term.

Erectile Dysfunction is more common with age. Men in their 30s are affected with erectile dysfunction at a rate of 2.3%, while those in their 70s have a rate of 53.4%. The likelihood of experiencing this type of sexual dysfunction increases as you age. The most common male sexual dysfunction is erectile dysfunction (also known as premature ejaculation, or ejaculatio prcox).

Erectile Dysfunction can be a subject that is fraught with shame, and many people choose to remain silent. The disorder can range from occasional disturbances up to total loss of erectile functions. Erectile dysfunction has many causes.

What causes Erectile malfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors. Potency issues can be caused by mental, as well as physical complaints. Erectile dysfunction can create a vicious cycle when it occurs repeatedly.

It causes a man to fear failure and lose his self-confidence. Stressful life experiences in the past can trigger this. This potency disorder is more common in older age groups, especially those over 50.

What causes Erectile Disfunction?

To achieve and maintain an erection that is sufficient to satisfy sex, it’s important for the various body parts to work together during sexual stimulation. An erection is not just about blood vessels and penis. It also involves hormones, the nerve system, and muscles.

The erectile tissues in the penis are a spongy tissue. The blood flow to the penis will increase if the arteries dilate when sexually arousal occurs. The corpuscavernosum wall also presses on the veins which supply blood.

Blood accumulates within the corpuscavernosum, causing the penis to stiffen. The erection will not occur if there is any disturbance at this point.

Physical Diseases that can cause Erectile Problems:

Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, strokes or tumors are all neurological diseases that can interfere with the signals sent by the brain to the penis when sexually arousal occurs.

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Erectile Dysfunction can also be caused by Metabolic Disorders

When diabetes is not controlled properly, sugar-protein molecules accumulate on the blood vessel walls and decrease blood flow to the entire body. This includes the penis. A permanently high blood sugar level can also damage the nerves.

The most common cause of erectile disorder is arteriosclerosis (hardening or hardening of blood vessels), a cardiovascular condition. The narrowed blood vessels allow too little oxygen to reach the erectile tissues of the penis.

The blood also flows too fast out of the corpuscavernosum, causing the penis to not stay erect for long enough. High blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) and coronary heart disease (CHD) are other possible causes of erectile dysfunction.

A hormonal disorder, more specifically a deficiency in testosterone, can cause erectile dysfunction. It can reduce erectile functions. A herniated disk can decrease the transmission of signals between the brain and the penis. Paraplegia is also affected by this.

Physical causes of erectile disorder include genital malformations or surgical procedures that cause damage to the erectile tissues or nerves.

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Erectile Dysfunction and Psychological Causes

Erectile dysfunction, especially in young men, is usually psychological. Some of the most common psychological factors that can cause potency issues include:

  • Lack of confidence
  • Unrecognized homosexuality is one example of a personality conflict.

The following are some of the ways to reduce your risk:

  • Inhibitions or fears can be expressed by dissatisfaction.
  • Pressure to perform and stress
  • Erectile dysfunction can be caused by alcohol and medication.
What are the Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

If erectile dysfunction develops gradually, occurs during partnered sex and masturbation, and fails to produce the nighttime erections that occur in every healthy man. 

When erectile dysfunction develops slowly, during sexual intimacy with a partner and masturbation and does not produce the nighttime erections experienced by every healthy man, it is likely that a physical reason is at play. 

If the disturbances only occur in certain situations, or after a stressful experience, in men under 50, it is more likely to be a psychological problem.

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The active ingredients in Eroxel tablets have a highly synergistic effect on premature ejaculation, as well as on achieving and maintaining an erection. Eroxel acts in such a way that blood flow to the penis is released, the blood vessels dilate, supply blood, as a result of which an erection is possible again. You can purchase Eroxel from the Manufacturer: Eroxel Original

Can green tea prevent prostate cancer?

Numerous studies have been done on green tea and the prevention of prostate cancer. Recent studies show that supplementation should be started in the early stages of the disease to reap the greatest benefits. All of these studies were done using laboratory animals. However, there are some important considerations for patients who are currently being treated for the disease.

Why to increase your curcumin consume?

Curcumin, a compound found naturally in turmeric, is attracting a lot of attention from researchers. There are several clinical trials currently underway to determine its effectiveness in treating various types of cancers.

Why to take supplements for prostate health?

Basic vitamin D and calcium are also being studied. We still don't know enough about how nutrients work in the body, or their role in aging and disease. We know that osteoporosis is a result of low vitamin D and calcium intake in the elderly. It appears that increasing our intake of vitamin D and calcium may also reduce our risk for heart disease and cancer.

How to mantain your prostate health?

The fitness of the prostate gland is apparently significantly affected by dietary elements. Dietary modification and natural supplements can play a significant role in providing symptomatic comfort, enhancing biochemical parameters and decreasing prostate size.

How to avoid prostate enlargement?

It is very important keep blood cholesterol ranges below 200mg/dL. Reducing cholesterol levels includes a favorable influence on prostate enlargement. A higher alcohol intake is connected with an elevated incidence of prostate enlargement, specifically beer and wine, hence it is advisable to eliminate or limit alcoholic beverages intake.

Does caffeine increase the risk of having a prostate enlargement?

A higher caffeine intake may be linked to prostate enlargement and is particularly recognized to increase cholesterol levels alongside many other detrimental results on health generally.

Coffee and tea are greatest avoided apart from green tea extract in moderation. If possible the diet ought to be largely made up of organic foods.

What diminish the prostate size?

Zinc has been shown to diminish prostate size and relieve outward indications of prostate enlargement in most people. Zinc is most likely probably the most important nutritional products for the treating prostate enlargement.

A variety of glycine, this therapy must be used in conjunction with other remedies since it is considered to help only with the outward symptoms but not reducing how big is the prostate.

Can phytosterols help with prostate cancer prevention?

Soybeans have become high in phytosterols which includes beta-sitosterol, soy phytosterols furthermore reduce cholesterol levels.

A compound that is recognized to stimulate the cells involved with prostate enlargement. The intake of soy phytoestrogens furthermore has been proven to significantly reduce the threat of prostate cancer.

Why to consume more pumpkin seeds if you are a man?

Pumpkin seeds have historically already been used to take care of prostate enlargement and associated signs and symptoms. Increasing the consumption of pumpkin seeds has been found to create significant improvement in many sufferers with prostate enlargement.

What is natural lycopene good for?

Lycopene can be an antioxidant found in high focus in tomatoes. Lycopene has already been found to focus in male tissues where it's been demonstrated to reduce prices of cellular proliferation.

Lycopene could be obtained in the diet plan by eating tomatoes and specifically tomato paste focus cooked in essential olive oil as this boosts its bioavailability. Lycopene can also be used as a supplements.

What to know about prostate disease?

One of the most frightening things for my male patients is the possibility of developing prostate disease, especially after they reach 50. The statistics about prostate health are not good. One in six men will develop prostate disease during their lifetime and one in 35 will die from it.

Are you at risk of developing prostate disease?

You are most at risk if you are African American, Hispanic, or 65 years old. Although you cannot change your genes, there are many things you can do to reduce your risk of developing prostate disease.

You should look for prevention. While statistics are a generalization, statistics don't account for what a male might be doing to improve his prostate health and reduce his risk.

What should you do for great men's health?

As their first line of defense, I encourage my male patients to take control of their health and create a healthy lifestyle. Let's see how.

Protein: Fish and poultry, turkey, beef, and pork. Complex carbohydrates: High-fiber, low-0 sugar grains such as brown rice, barley and oatmeal. Legumes (beans, peas) Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower, kale. cabbage, Brussels sprouts, etc.) with a small amount.

How should you eat for prostate health?

  • Low sugar. Limit sweets to one treat per week.
  • Low to no dairy. Research shows that men with high levels of dairy intake have higher rates of prostate disease.
  • Prostate health booster foods include Lycopene (from cooked tomato product), pomegranate and even soymilk. Soy milk contains phytoestrogens, which are natural occurring estrogens that counter the testosterone levels of men who are more likely to develop prostate cancer. Flaxseeds and Omega-3 oils, flaxseeds (for an extra boost), turmeric (paired with cauliflower for an additional boost), green tea, garlic, scallions, Brazil nuts, flaxseeds, flaxseeds and Omega-3 oils.

What is great for prostate health?

Aerobic exercise is great for prostate health. It helps to drain the prostate from fluids that can buildup, become infected, and cause prostate swelling and inflammation.

Prostatitis and prostate cancer are both caused by inflammation. Exercise is a great way to combat obesity, which is linked with a higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

Can your lifestyle be linked to your prostate problems?

Lifestyle: Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking greatly increase your risk of developing prostate carcinoma. Limit your intake of alcohol to 2 drinks per day, red wine preferred for its antioxidants.

Supplements: Vitamin E, Vitamin D, and selenium have been shown to be beneficial in the prevention of prostate cancer. They also strengthen the immune system.

What are signs of prostate problems?

These signs and symptoms produce enhanced urgency or trouble to urinate, troubles in emptying the bladder, rest disturbances due to frequent nighttime urination, fragile or sporadic blast of urine, dribbling by the end of urination and psychological distress.

Men's Health

Impotence: Who helps with Diagnosis and Therapy?

Erectile Dysfunction (also known as impotence) has many causes. From a medical perspective, however, there is no reason for a man to be impotent in Germany. There is a treatment for almost all forms of erectile dysfunction, including the use of artificial erectile tissues.

The treatments are intensive and goal-oriented, but they can also be time-consuming and exhausting. “Sports for overall fitness, pelvic-floor exercises, training with a vacuum pump, and taking pills all can come together.” The men’s healthcare doctor says, “I can understand that not all men want to invest as much.”

There are many Causes of Impotence

Erectile dysfunction is not always caused by the genital region. Other parts of the body can be the culprit. A diagnosis is not just based on a conversation with the patient, but must also include a thorough examination. 

The specialist tests the function of the nerves by using light electric shocks that cause the patient to feel different vibrations and temperatures.

The pelvic floor muscles, vessels of the penis and the erectile functions are also examined. The procedure also includes a blood test. 

Impotence can be caused by physical causes, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Mental illnesses (depression), or traumatic events are also possible. These must be checked on the patient.

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Erectile Dysfunction: Medical and Psychological help

The main problem is the shame that men suffer for many years. Losing potency can be a devastating experience for many. The image of a man who can do anything must be challenged. For some, if they accept the real state, a new reality can emerge.

Everyone can decide for themselves or together with their partner what significance sex has in life. A psychological support may help you to cope with the situation. First, you need to stop keeping silent about erectile dysfunction and seek help. Get help, both medical and psychological.

Many factors can cause erectile problems. In general, one can assume that psychological factors are predominant in younger men while physical diseases predominate with age.

According to estimates, 80% of erectile problems in men over 50 are due to physical factors. About 50% of all erectile disorders are organic, while the other third is psychogenic. 20% of patients suffer from both. Psychogenic components are almost always a result from fear of failure. This is true even when the erectile dysfunction is organic.

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Physical Causes

Erectile dysfunctions can be a result of pathological changes and malformations in the genital region or as a side effect of severe diseases. Erection issues can also occur after certain surgical procedures. There are so many possibilities that only a small number are included under each disease group:

Cardiovascular Disease
  • Coronary heart disease (cardiac vessel disease)
  • Heart attack
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Arteriosclerosis (calcification of the arteries)
  • Congenital pathological changes of the pelvic and the genital arteries
The Glands and Metabolism
  • The Diabetes
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism
  • The pituitary gland or testes can be affected by congenital or acquired conditions.
Physical Trauma and Nervous Disorders
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Herniated disc
  • Spinal cord disease
  • Paraplegia
  • Craniocerebral trauma
Urogenital malformations and Diseases
  • Phimosis is the narrowing of the anterior skin of the penis
  • Congenital malformations affecting the penis or urethra
  • Inflammation of testicles, epididymis and prostate gland
  • Tumors
Surgical operations in the Abdominal, Pelvic and Genitourinary Regions
  • Abdominal, pelvic and Urogenital Surgery
  • Vascular surgery in the abdominal cavity
  • Often, prostate and testicle cancer is the reason for surgery.
  • Bladder and bowel surgery

Erectile dysfunction is caused by a number of physical diseases. The main ones are diabetes mellitus (which accounts for about 45%), arteriosclerosis, and vascular abnormalities. There are more specific findings about why certain diseases are often associated with erectile dysfunction. 

Polyneuropathy (which occurs in poorly controlled diabetes), diseases of the smaller and larger vessels, and hormonal disorders resulting in reduced testosterone are all examples of diseases that can lead to erectile malfunction.

In one study, erectile dysfunction was the first sign of diabetes in 12 percent of men. In the mid-1990s, scientists also discovered that diabetics are at a 3x greater risk of developing erectile malfunction than non-diabetics.

Circulatory problems can also affect the penis blood vessels if arteriosclerosis occurs. Many patients with renal insufficiency complain of erection issues. The cause of erection problems is believed to be a reduced testosterone production that is triggered by kidney weakness.

Erectile dysfunction is attributed to functional disorders in multiple sclerosis. These are primarily found around the spinal cord. The affected individuals have sensitivity disorders and weak pelvic muscles.

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What to know about prostate problems?

Prostate problems hit most men older than 50. The United states Urological Association claims that over 90% of most men will develop some type of prostate problem throughout their lifetime.

While inflamed prostate might not be unpleasant in itself, it can result in prostate enlargement and unpleasant signs and symptoms because of an increased strain on the urethra.

What are the dangers of having prostate problems?

Over 400, prostate problems can result in dangerous diseases and conditions, including bladder and kidney bacterial infections. Prostate inflammation will be idiopathic, this means cause unknown. Dietary elements such as increased usage of red meat and pet body fat.

What is proliferative inflammatory atrophy?

Proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA) is really a lesion that frequently takes place in the prostate. PIA will be linked to prostate cancer since irritation produces increased cell loss of life and DNA harm in regenerated cells.

Why to avoid inflammation for prostate health?

Numerous population-based investigations confirm the hyperlink between inflammation and prostate malignancy. Furthermore, these studies also found that guys who took inflammation-reducing medicines or followed dietary patterns which were less inclined to promote inflammation are in lower threat of prostate cancer.

As soon as this happens, the tumor cells discharge inflammatory cytokines, proteases, and development factors which have the effect of tissue disruption, invasive possible of tumor cells, development of new arteries that feed tumor cellular material, and finally tumor metastasis.

Why to take anti inflammatory herbs for men's health?

Anti-inflammatory herbal treatments have been useful for centuries to take care of various chronic inflammatory situations. Turmeric, Gingo biloba, Noticed palmetto, Scute, anti-inflammatory treatments work as detox cleanser to eliminate noxious stimuli, i.electronic., inflammatory cellular material and their metabolites and particles.

Are prostate problems common?

The prostate may be the most typical site of the problems in the male genitourinary program. In most cases, there are three situations that can cause issues with the prostate.

Prostatitis, that is irritation of the prostate, that is an enlarged prostate without sign of malignancy; and prostate malignancy.

Is prostatitis common?

It occurs in about 50 % of all men on the age group fifty and over seventy years a total Around 10 million United states men-and is basically attributable to hormonal changes connected with aging.

What causes prostate enlargement?

Following the age of 50 roughly, a man's testosterone and free of charge testosterone levels decrease, estradiol (a kind of estrogen), increase. Which eventually results in prostate enlargement. Without cancerous, if it becomes too big, interfering with urination and the capability to empty the bladder totally. Need to pass urine often with frequent increase after a while. A man could find himself rising several situations at night time to urinate. The current presence of bloodstream in urine isn't uncommon.

What lead to urine retention in men?

Hormonal adjustments associated with aging may furthermore be an underlying cause. The inflammation can lead to urine retention. This leads to the bladder to become dilated, fragile, and tender and itself vunerable to infection. A proteins secreted by the prostate.

Noticed palmetto has been utilized to take care of prostate enlargement and inflammation, unpleasant ejaculation, challenging urination. Nettle and turmeric are usually anti-inflammatory agents.

How to deal with chronic prostatitis?

Sometimes, rest from prostate pain and irritation will become a priority particularly if you have problems with chronic prostatitis. I would like to outline in this post, six ways which can only help one to keep your prostate healthful.

Regular ejaculation by guys, has been found to help keep the prostate gland healthful. The better since it clears the gland of harmful toxins, carcinogens along with other debris.

Can homeopathic therapy help with prostate health?

Homeopathic therapy of the prostate is seldom mentioned. This kind of medicine can provide excellent and long standing outcomes and will help relieve the discomfort when it's present, eg. The medications recommended are usually Thuja Occidentalos, these also give reduction if you experiencing unpleasant orgasms.

Why is good to try bath sitz for prostate health?

The German phrase for sitting will be 'sitz' and which has given its title to a type of scorching bath which is perfect for stimulating the blood circulation in the pelvic area. The bath can be an upright one in which just the buttocks and hips are usually immersed in the water. You can include pine needle essential oil or lavender to create it more pleasurable. You should sit in this sort of bath for at minimum half an hour because you have to permit the heat time and energy to penetrate all that unwanted fat and muscles before it'll give you rest from your pain.

Is green tea beneficial for treating prostate pain?

Green tea extract has had plenty of hype and publicity. Regarding treatment of the prostate, there's good reason since it has this marvelous capability to actually kill off malignancy cells while leaving the healthful ones set up. This process is named apoptosis. This usually occurs in the torso all the period but green tea is among the few chemicals which does this essential job and that you can drink! Green tea extract shouldn't be consumed in great amounts as it contains caffeine.

What are the very best foods for prostate issues?

The very best foods for prostate situations are : green leafy veggies, soya, tomatoes contain lycopene (within the red skin) that may help the prostate. Stay away from large usage of red meat, espresso and alcohol. Any meals which are abundant with selenium, vitamins and antioxidants and folic acid are recommended.

Why should you urinate while sitting if you are a man?

Urinating when standing isn't as effective as if you are seated, so the latter place is recommended. Why ? For the reason that the sitting position allows you to empty the bladder better thus removing the toxins.

other Tip: One workout to tone the muscle tissues in the pelvic region can be achieved by squeezing the buttocks. This could be done as usually as you prefer, but the number ought to be increased gradually.

Why to take care of your men's health?

A lot of men, especially those older than 45, are becoming more worried about their prostate health. Actually, one in six guys in the usa will be identified as having prostate cancer during his life time.

Protecting and preserving prostate wellness is not any small feat, however, many choices exist today that may promote prostate health with out a large number of unpleasant and unnecessary unwanted effects.

Is walking beneficial to your prostate health?

For instance, a fresh study implies that simply walking can greatly advantage prostate health. Exercise is definitely proven to promote vitality, especially because it boosts the disease fighting capability, the experiment studied one, as much studies continue steadily to show, simply moving your body sufficiently to get your heartrate up, as occurs with strolling, is highly beneficial and could actually help fight prostate cancer, along with other types of cancer.

What are the benefits of exercising?

Whenever we exercise, also for a short time, an abundance of positive reactions occurs in the body. But the great things about exercise aren't just physical. Also, they are mental, emotional and also spiritual.

Mind-body workouts, such as for example yoga or Tai-chi, can help relieve stress, nervousness and occasional depression connected with illness, in addition to providing an excellent workout!

Why to consume more supplements for your prostate health?

Important natural extracts which can support prostate health add a highly bio-available type of turmeric root, noticed palmetto berry, grape epidermis, pomegranate, pumpkin seed, green tea extract, Japanese knotweed, another effective ingredient for promoting prostate wellness.

Furthermore, antioxidants and nutrition such as vitamin C, supplement D3, selenium, and organic polyphenols which includes quercetin, and ellagic acid from pomegranate may also be beneficial for avoiding the growth of harmful cancer cellular material.

Men's Health

What are the Symptoms of Impotence?

Erectile Dysfunction can occur if a man has not had an erection in a long period of time, or if it is flaccid. This can have many causes. Stress and other psychological factors can play a part. Potency issues can be caused by physical illness.

Erectile Dysfunction

Lack of sexual stimulation is not the only reason why the penis doesn’t become erect. Erectile dysfunction, especially in older men is often a sign of physical disease.

Over 5 men out of every 100 in the general population suffer from erectile dysfunction. The older men are more affected by this problem: Every second man over 40 years old complains at least sometimes. Potency problems are much less common in younger men.

A urologist should be consulted by anyone experiencing problems with potency. He is an expert in all the organs that produce and drain urine, such as the kidneys and bladder. He can explain the causes of erectile problems and tell the patient the different treatment options.

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors, and they often combine. Psychological problems, like stress or the pressure to perform, are often a factor in erectile dysfunction among younger men. Depression and mental illness can reduce sexual interest, and even lead to problems with potency.

In general, erectile malfunction is caused by physical causes. These include:

  • Circulatory Disorders
  • Nervous System Diseases or Damage
  • Hormonal Disorders
  • Circulatory Disorders

Circulatory disorders are most commonly the cause of potency issues in older patients. The penis becomes soft when the erectile tissues in the penis are not able to fill with enough blood.

Two main reasons could be the cause of this:

  • Arterial Blood Flow Disorder: Not enough blood flows through the arteries to the blood vessels in the erectile tissues.
  • Blood leaves the corpora vennosa too rapidly (venous circulation disorder).

The Arterial circulatory disorder can be caused by certain metabolic disorders such as:

  • Arteriosclerosis,
  • Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes),
  • Hypertension.

Arteriosclerosis is a condition in which the walls of blood vessels, including those in the penis, are narrowed by blood fats or calcium. Microangiopathy is also caused by diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and other factors. Damage to smaller blood vessels that connect arteries and veins (arterioles, capillaries). It can also impede the blood flow to corpora cavernosa.

The flow of venous blood to the penis can also be affected. Normal, the veins of the penis are like valves. They remain closed during erection to keep blood in the penis. The smooth muscles of the penis indirectly help to achieve this: when they relax, their arteries dilate. The erectile tissues fill with blood and expand, compressing the veins. They close their valves.

This mechanism may not function in men who have erectile dysfunction because their muscles cannot relax. The veins allow the blood to exit the erectile tissues too quickly.

Some of the causes are not fully understood. Studies suggest, among other things that a pathologically high blood sugar level can damage cells in the smooth muscle of the penis.

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Nerve Disorders

The brain is the first place where an erection starts. It sends signals via nerve pathways to the penis. Nerve fibers located in the penis release messenger substances upon stimulation. These fibers, among other things ensure that the smooth muscle of the penile relaxes as well as the blood vessels within the erectile tissues dilate.

The penis will not stiffen even if arousal is present if this signal pathway between the brain and the penis has been disrupted. About one out of ten men with erectile dysfunction suffer from this condition. 

The peripheral nerves, which run throughout the body, are impaired in people with alcoholism and diabetes. On the other hand the central nervous system is damaged by strokes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and traumatic brain injuries.

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Hormone Disorders

The testosterone hormone is important in developing an erection. Deficient testosterone causes men to feel less sexually arousal, and therefore are less likely have an erection.

A prolactin excess can also lead to erectile problems. This hormone is produced by the male body, for reasons not fully understood. It promotes milk production among mothers. Prolactin production can be increased by certain diseases and medications. This can lead to potency issues.

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Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms

The erection is not strong enough or does not last long. Some people with erectile dysfunction also experience premature or delayed ejaculation.

Impotence is often used to describe a man who can’t have sex. The term is used to describe the inability to reproduce. Experts refer to erectile dysfunction when the penis of affected individuals no longer hardens or flaccidizes after a short period of time. Erectile dysfunction is usually a long-term condition that occurs during sexual activity and masturbation.

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What is benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) if you are nearing (or past) 60 years of age. BPH, which is a benign condition, refers to the condition in which the prostate gland grows larger. Nearly all men experience this around the age 60. Although BPH isn't necessarily a serious condition like prostate cancer, it can be frustrating to deal with because it affects a mans ability to urinate as normal.

Where is the prostate gland located?

The prostate gland is located right above the bladder. When it becomes enlarged, it presses on it, creating an urgent need to urinate. This happens even before the bladder is full. It causes a need to urinate more often, even during the night, which can disrupt sleep and make it difficult to fully empty the bladder.

What to know about prostate cancer?

This is a very distressing condition for men. It is important to see your doctor if you experience these symptoms. Although prostate cancer is quite common, it can be treated if caught early.

Is benign prostatic hyperplasia a common condition in men?

BPH is a common condition in men. It's easy to understand why they are so focused on finding a solution. There are many options available to you, including prescription drugs and surgical procedures.

However, there are also some less drastic options that many people have had great success with. Beta sitosterol supplements are one of these. Beta sitosterol, a compound found in many foods, is also found in black cumin seeds, Nigella Sativa (saw palmetto), pecans and avocados, Curbita pepo, pumpkin seed, Pygeum africanum cashew fruits, rice bran.

Why should you try alternative medicine for your prostate cancer?

Although prostate cancer can be treated, men know that treatment involves a long process and most of the time with side effects. All of these side effects can have a significant impact on the quality of life for the person suffering from the disease. This is why healthcare providers are constantly looking for ways to make side effects of cancer treatment more tolerable.

Can yoga help with prostate cancer?

Yoga is the solution. Yoga has been shown to be more effective in nearly all aspects of cancer treatment. Numerous studies have shown that regular yoga practice can reduce the side effects of radiation as well as improve the quality of life for people living with cancer.

Yoga has many benefits for our health and overall wellbeing. This is why it is important to practice yoga regularly and get involved in the practice.

Does yoga treat prostate cancer?

Some men with cancer showed positive results from research. They were able to share their experiences after a successful yoga class. They noticed a decrease in fatigue. It is important to note that fatigue experienced by cancer patients is quite different from fatigue experienced in healthy people. The reason is simple: the fatigue is not alleviated by sleep or rest.

Is yoga beneficial for people with cancer?

Different research has shown that yoga can be beneficial for people with cancer. These results are very encouraging and promising. It would be very helpful to have more research on yoga's benefits for people with different health conditions.

Research is currently being done at various institutions on yoga for women with breast cancer. It has also made positive contributions for men with prostate cancer.

What are the benefits of yoga for cancer sufferer?

Yoga has been shown to be beneficial for both men and women with cancer. Although many people may believe yoga is an ancient practice that has no impact on modern life, this is false. Yoga is a benefit that can be enjoyed no matter how long you have been practicing it. It is important to remember that yoga should not be done when someone is ill. You will notice the benefits of yoga as soon as you make it a regular practice.

What to know about the prostate?

Predisposed to many prostate problems in men, especially those over 50. Seminal fluid is produced by the prostate. It is a small, walnut-shaped gland that is located below the bladder of a man. It begins to grow once a person reaches puberty.

Are you at risk of having enlarged prostate?

The 40-year-old age of 40 is the most common age when enlargement becomes a problem.

Pumpkin seeds: German doctors have successfully used pumpkin seeds to treat BPH and other non-cancerous prostate disorders.

How to naturally treat prostate problems?

Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc and have diuretic qualities. It can help strengthen and repair your immune system. These seeds can be baked as is, or you can add salt to the seeds after removing their shells. A great way to enjoy the seeds is to make tea from them. One cup of tea per day will do the trick.

How to treat prostate issues?

Watermelon seeds: Watermelon can flush your system and treat bladder and prostate issues. Make the tea by boiling 1/8 cup of water and adding 1/8 cup of fresh seeds. Before using, cool the tea and strain it. For best results, a pint of this tea is recommended daily.

What to eat for a healthy prostate?

  • Fish: Omega-3 oils from fish can help fight prostate cancer and tumor growth. These oils are abundant in salmon, tuna, and mackerel.
  • Corn silk: For generations, Amish men have used corn-silk to treat BPH symptoms. Silk is made from corn and cut into 6 mm pieces. It is then boiled in 1 cup water for 10 minutes. BPH symptoms can be relieved by drinking three cups of the strained water each week.

Why to eat more tomatoes if you are a man?

Increase your intake of tomatoes. Two servings of tomatoes per week can reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer by nearly half. It is rich in an antioxidant called Lycopene, which aids in fighting cancer.

What can prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Soy: A diet rich in soy prevents BPH. They are rich in phytoestrogens, which can lower testosterone production. Testosterone can cause prostate cancer. The development of blood vessels around prostate tumors is also slowed by phytoestrogens.

Why to increase your stingnettle consume?

Stingingnettle: This inhibits testosterone-related protein function in prostate cells. It is available as capsules, and it is recommended that you consult your doctor to determine the correct dosage.

How to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Saw palmetto: Saw Palmetto extracts can improve urinary function and treat BPH effectively. It reduces certain hormones that can cause BPH. It can be purchased as a supplement in most health shops. A doctor can recommend the best dose.

Men's Health

What causes Impotence?

Impotence and erectile dysfunction are not the same. Impotence is often referred to as erectile dysfunction in common speech. 

Causes of Physical & Mental illness

Recent studies have shown that psychologically induced impotence is less common. Many times, multiple causes are present at the same moment and reinforce one another. This is a good example. If you are overweight and have diabetes or high blood pressure there could be three causes for impotence.

In general, younger men tend to be more affected by psychological triggers while older men gradually become more affected by physical causes. The age itself can be a factor.

Erectile dysfunction can be a secondary complication of many other diseases. Cardiovascular and metabolic disorders are the most common organic causes. Urogenital malformations, or anatomical malformations in the penis, are another possible cause. However they are rare.

A gradual loss of erectile functions, including the intensity and frequency nocturnal erections is almost typical of physical induced erectile dysfunction.

It is not uncommon for the smooth muscle cells to disappear from the penis as a result of a buildup of collagens within the corpora cavenosa. Affected nerve structures also play a part. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a decrease in the perfusion of the small penile vessels and/or pelvic arteries with age.

Psychological Causes

Erectile dysfunctions that are psychologically induced usually happen suddenly. Often, they can be traced back to specific experiences by having a confidential and intense discussion with the person affected.

The main reason is the fear of sexual failure. This tends to affect younger men with less experience in this area. They are too anxious before meeting women and worry about their performance. These fears are centered around, for instance, not being able satisfy your partner.

Stress can reduce Desire & Erection

Stress and anxiety can cause the body’s production of hormones like norepinephrine and epinephrine. They constrict blood vessels to signal an ancient fear that a serious injury, such as a fight or a severe injury, could be imminent.

This also reduces blood supply to the erectile tissues in the penis, and an erection becomes impossible. Erectile dysfunction can be triggered by the release of hormones. It is possible to treat erectile dysfunction that is psychologically induced, as long as the underlying fears can be identified.

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Risk factors for Impotence

A man’s general health, in addition to known causes of impotence can be critical to his ability to get an erection. Always lead a healthy life and avoid any factors that could impair blood circulation.

Men over 50 should pay particular attention to diet, alcohol consumption, and exercise. It is not just about erectile dysfunction, but the overall erectile health and well-being.

Potency Disorders and Medication Options: A quick Overview

Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are among the most popular sexual enhancers. They promise to give you maximum performance when it comes to sexual activity. The pills are taken prior to the sexual encounter with your partner. Applying a gel around the penis, arm or thighs can compensate for a lack of testosterone.

In the event that this is not the case, a direct injection can be performed into the penis. In the first instance, active substances are injected to relax the penis. The vessels will then fill up with blood, creating the conditions for an erection.

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There are other Options to treat and prevent Erectile Dysfunction

The penis pump, and penile prosthesis are among the most popular mechanical aids. They can be used as a complement or as the only method of treatment.

Natural measures include sex toys and erotic products that stimulate the senses, and in turn stimulate an erection. To get to the root of psychological issues, talk therapy is recommended.

Individual cases can be helped by improving the overall physical condition. Asian movements, with their holistic approach and convincing results, remain popular. Yoga, tai-chi, and other variations not only promote physical fitness but also mental strength and balance.

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The Best Natural Solution: Eroxel

The active ingredients in Eroxel tablets have a highly synergistic effect on premature ejaculation, as well as on achieving and maintaining an erection.

Eroxel acts in such a way that blood flow to the penis is released, the blood vessels dilate, supply blood, as a result of which an erection is possible again. We always recommend purchasing Eroxel only from the Manufacturer: Eroxel Original

Does turmeric benefits men's health?

There is a large amount of careful research investigating if turmeric effects benefit men. And the answers up to now are that it does! To begin with, turmeric has been utilized by ancient traditional healers in Asia for many thousand years and no-one there's yet faulted it. On the other hand, it has been found to be remarkably effective in fighting inflammation in every areas of the body in both women and men.

What to know about curcumin?

Modern researchers took the usage of turmeric one step beyond the healers. Utilizing the best research tools available they will have isolated the active component in turmeric -- curcumin. And the scientists set of things this will do keeps growing by the year. For instance, among the turmeric effects that benefits men is its treatment of inflammation in the digestive tract.

Can curcumin treat prostate inflammation?

Curcumin includes a good anti inflammatory influence on Crohn's disease, prostatitis and ulcerative colitis. When mice have already been fed turmeric they showed lower degrees of mucus, thinning of the walls of the intestine and fewer inflammatory cells.

What are the benefits of turmeric for men?

But turmeric effects benefits men in more ways, since it is also a robust antioxidant. So that it removes free radicals and lowers the damage they cause to the membranes of cells. Used, this means less stiffness inside our joints each morning, during working hours, and swelling of the joints.  Turmeric effects benefits men with prostate cancer.

What is turmeric good for?

Through the use of lots of turmeric the chance of prostate, colon and breast cancer lowers, and tumors are less inclined to grow. Researchers have showed turmeric significantly slowed up the development of preexisting breast cancer and cancer generally irrespective of type or the organ affected. Put simply, turmeric is effective to men and should be studied by them and women irrespective of their health.

Why to increase your intake of turmeric?

It appears that even relatively large quantities could be safely taken. So when you are considering a supplement check out should they have turmeric. Better still, insist the supplement-maker uses turmeric which has a curcumin potency of 95 percent, since this type of concentration comes in good supplements and curcumin may be the active ingredient in turmeric.

Can green tea help combat prostate cancer?

EGCG, a type of antioxidant, is found in green tea and makes it healthier for humans to drink. This EGCG has been shown to have a strong proapoptotic effect against cancer. Because these two diseases are closely related, it is important to learn about green tea and prostate cancer.

Why are bioflavonoids good for you?

Because of the high amount of bioflavonoids in green tea, it is rich in potential antioxidants. This is also known as polyphenol. Green tea has a high level of antioxidants, which makes it one of the best natural herbs to prevent cancer. Green tea is a great way to protect your body against one of the most deadly diseases today, cancer.

Why to take care of your body?

You will be less likely to develop any type of disease if you take care of your health. Regular consumption of green tea can reduce the risk of developing any type of cancer, including prostate cancer. To reap the maximum benefits of green tea extract, you will need to find the best brand.

Why to choose a natural supplement for your health?

It is better to choose a supplement than tea extract. A supplement of any herb ingredient is a high-density, more effective extract. Even a small amount can be effective. Green leaf tea is good for you. To get an accurate idea of how much extract you will need on a daily basis, consult your doctor. It is important to choose the right supplement for your health.

Why to choose herbal supplements?

The best multivitamin supplement is one that contains herbal ingredients. You can find milk thistle and green tea, turmeric, and other herbal ingredients in multivitamin supplements. Including amino acids, other nutrients, all vitamins and minerals that are important for your body's health.

What are green tea benefits for men health?

There are many benefits to green tea, beyond the prevention of prostate cancer. It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor to draw a chart of green-tea ingredients. This will help you understand the benefits and get a recommendation from your physician about the right amount of green tea extract or supplements to be taken to ensure your health and longevity. Green tea is a great way to prolong your life and protect yourself from many deadly diseases, such as prostate cancer.

What to know about chronic irritation in the prostate?

Because chronic irritation within the prostate gland will be through to be a significant risk factor for prostate malignancy, anti-inflammatory health supplements and medications might be able to decrease the risk of prostate malignancy by reducing irritation.

What are isoflavones?

Isoflavones from soy-based meals are recognized to act as a fragile type of estrogen (the dominant feminine sex hormone). Based on this estrogen-like behavior, along with potential anti-inflammatory attributes, soy isoflavones are increasingly being studied as you possibly can prevention and treatment brokers for prostate cancer, along with other types of malignancy.

Is curcumin an anti inflammatory food?

Curcumin, can be recognized to have potent anti-inflammatory attributes, and has also been the main topic of considerable cancer avoidance and cancer treatment analysis.

A newly published potential, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled study, published in the present problem of the journal Prostate, shows that the mix of soy isoflavones and curcumin could have important potential prostate malignancy prevention properties.

How to naturally reduce prostete irritation?

Soy isoflavone and curcumin products reduce the threat of prostate cancer, their capability to reduce elevated PSA ranges in guys with chronic prostate irritation, but without proof prostate cancer, at the very least suggests a potential function in preventing prostate cancer (presumably by way of a reduction in prostate gland irritation).

There are good consequences of taking isoflavonoids and  curcumin on prostate malignancy risk. Based on the findings of researches, which suggest a possible additive influence on PSA reduction when both these health supplements are taken together.