Men's Health

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction is when a man cannot maintain an erection during sexual activity for at least six consecutive months despite being sexually stimulated. Men over 50 can experience erectile dysfunction, as can younger men. Erectile dysfunction, for example, can be caused from diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol or depression.

The first step to alleviating erectile dysfunction is treating these conditions. PDE-5 inhibiters, for example, also influence blood flow directly to the penis, thereby supporting sexual activity. Healthy lifestyles can help prevent diseases that cause erectile malfunction.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

The urologist will diagnose erectile disorder (also known as impotentia conundi) if the man cannot get or maintain an erection for a period six months, despite sexual stimulation. 

It is frustrating for men and couples because, despite the libido (sexual desire), sexual intimacy is not possible. The quality of life and well-being of affected men, as well as the relationship, suffer in the long term.

Erectile Dysfunction is more common with age. Men in their 30s are affected with erectile dysfunction at a rate of 2.3%, while those in their 70s have a rate of 53.4%. The likelihood of experiencing this type of sexual dysfunction increases as you age. The most common male sexual dysfunction is erectile dysfunction (also known as premature ejaculation, or ejaculatio prcox).

Erectile Dysfunction can be a subject that is fraught with shame, and many people choose to remain silent. The disorder can range from occasional disturbances up to total loss of erectile functions. Erectile dysfunction has many causes.

What causes Erectile malfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors. Potency issues can be caused by mental, as well as physical complaints. Erectile dysfunction can create a vicious cycle when it occurs repeatedly.

It causes a man to fear failure and lose his self-confidence. Stressful life experiences in the past can trigger this. This potency disorder is more common in older age groups, especially those over 50.

What causes Erectile Disfunction?

To achieve and maintain an erection that is sufficient to satisfy sex, it’s important for the various body parts to work together during sexual stimulation. An erection is not just about blood vessels and penis. It also involves hormones, the nerve system, and muscles.

The erectile tissues in the penis are a spongy tissue. The blood flow to the penis will increase if the arteries dilate when sexually arousal occurs. The corpuscavernosum wall also presses on the veins which supply blood.

Blood accumulates within the corpuscavernosum, causing the penis to stiffen. The erection will not occur if there is any disturbance at this point.

Physical Diseases that can cause Erectile Problems:

Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, strokes or tumors are all neurological diseases that can interfere with the signals sent by the brain to the penis when sexually arousal occurs.

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Erectile Dysfunction can also be caused by Metabolic Disorders

When diabetes is not controlled properly, sugar-protein molecules accumulate on the blood vessel walls and decrease blood flow to the entire body. This includes the penis. A permanently high blood sugar level can also damage the nerves.

The most common cause of erectile disorder is arteriosclerosis (hardening or hardening of blood vessels), a cardiovascular condition. The narrowed blood vessels allow too little oxygen to reach the erectile tissues of the penis.

The blood also flows too fast out of the corpuscavernosum, causing the penis to not stay erect for long enough. High blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) and coronary heart disease (CHD) are other possible causes of erectile dysfunction.

A hormonal disorder, more specifically a deficiency in testosterone, can cause erectile dysfunction. It can reduce erectile functions. A herniated disk can decrease the transmission of signals between the brain and the penis. Paraplegia is also affected by this.

Physical causes of erectile disorder include genital malformations or surgical procedures that cause damage to the erectile tissues or nerves.

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Erectile Dysfunction and Psychological Causes

Erectile dysfunction, especially in young men, is usually psychological. Some of the most common psychological factors that can cause potency issues include:

  • Lack of confidence
  • Unrecognized homosexuality is one example of a personality conflict.

The following are some of the ways to reduce your risk:

  • Inhibitions or fears can be expressed by dissatisfaction.
  • Pressure to perform and stress
  • Erectile dysfunction can be caused by alcohol and medication.
What are the Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

If erectile dysfunction develops gradually, occurs during partnered sex and masturbation, and fails to produce the nighttime erections that occur in every healthy man. 

When erectile dysfunction develops slowly, during sexual intimacy with a partner and masturbation and does not produce the nighttime erections experienced by every healthy man, it is likely that a physical reason is at play. 

If the disturbances only occur in certain situations, or after a stressful experience, in men under 50, it is more likely to be a psychological problem.

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The active ingredients in Eroxel tablets have a highly synergistic effect on premature ejaculation, as well as on achieving and maintaining an erection. Eroxel acts in such a way that blood flow to the penis is released, the blood vessels dilate, supply blood, as a result of which an erection is possible again. You can purchase Eroxel from the Manufacturer: Eroxel Original

Can green tea prevent prostate cancer?

Numerous studies have been done on green tea and the prevention of prostate cancer. Recent studies show that supplementation should be started in the early stages of the disease to reap the greatest benefits. All of these studies were done using laboratory animals. However, there are some important considerations for patients who are currently being treated for the disease.

Why to increase your curcumin consume?

Curcumin, a compound found naturally in turmeric, is attracting a lot of attention from researchers. There are several clinical trials currently underway to determine its effectiveness in treating various types of cancers.

Why to take supplements for prostate health?

Basic vitamin D and calcium are also being studied. We still don't know enough about how nutrients work in the body, or their role in aging and disease. We know that osteoporosis is a result of low vitamin D and calcium intake in the elderly. It appears that increasing our intake of vitamin D and calcium may also reduce our risk for heart disease and cancer.

How to mantain your prostate health?

The fitness of the prostate gland is apparently significantly affected by dietary elements. Dietary modification and natural supplements can play a significant role in providing symptomatic comfort, enhancing biochemical parameters and decreasing prostate size.

How to avoid prostate enlargement?

It is very important keep blood cholesterol ranges below 200mg/dL. Reducing cholesterol levels includes a favorable influence on prostate enlargement. A higher alcohol intake is connected with an elevated incidence of prostate enlargement, specifically beer and wine, hence it is advisable to eliminate or limit alcoholic beverages intake.

Does caffeine increase the risk of having a prostate enlargement?

A higher caffeine intake may be linked to prostate enlargement and is particularly recognized to increase cholesterol levels alongside many other detrimental results on health generally.

Coffee and tea are greatest avoided apart from green tea extract in moderation. If possible the diet ought to be largely made up of organic foods.

What diminish the prostate size?

Zinc has been shown to diminish prostate size and relieve outward indications of prostate enlargement in most people. Zinc is most likely probably the most important nutritional products for the treating prostate enlargement.

A variety of glycine, this therapy must be used in conjunction with other remedies since it is considered to help only with the outward symptoms but not reducing how big is the prostate.

Can phytosterols help with prostate cancer prevention?

Soybeans have become high in phytosterols which includes beta-sitosterol, soy phytosterols furthermore reduce cholesterol levels.

A compound that is recognized to stimulate the cells involved with prostate enlargement. The intake of soy phytoestrogens furthermore has been proven to significantly reduce the threat of prostate cancer.

Why to consume more pumpkin seeds if you are a man?

Pumpkin seeds have historically already been used to take care of prostate enlargement and associated signs and symptoms. Increasing the consumption of pumpkin seeds has been found to create significant improvement in many sufferers with prostate enlargement.

What is natural lycopene good for?

Lycopene can be an antioxidant found in high focus in tomatoes. Lycopene has already been found to focus in male tissues where it's been demonstrated to reduce prices of cellular proliferation.

Lycopene could be obtained in the diet plan by eating tomatoes and specifically tomato paste focus cooked in essential olive oil as this boosts its bioavailability. Lycopene can also be used as a supplements.

What to know about prostate disease?

One of the most frightening things for my male patients is the possibility of developing prostate disease, especially after they reach 50. The statistics about prostate health are not good. One in six men will develop prostate disease during their lifetime and one in 35 will die from it.

Are you at risk of developing prostate disease?

You are most at risk if you are African American, Hispanic, or 65 years old. Although you cannot change your genes, there are many things you can do to reduce your risk of developing prostate disease.

You should look for prevention. While statistics are a generalization, statistics don't account for what a male might be doing to improve his prostate health and reduce his risk.

What should you do for great men's health?

As their first line of defense, I encourage my male patients to take control of their health and create a healthy lifestyle. Let's see how.

Protein: Fish and poultry, turkey, beef, and pork. Complex carbohydrates: High-fiber, low-0 sugar grains such as brown rice, barley and oatmeal. Legumes (beans, peas) Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower, kale. cabbage, Brussels sprouts, etc.) with a small amount.

How should you eat for prostate health?

  • Low sugar. Limit sweets to one treat per week.
  • Low to no dairy. Research shows that men with high levels of dairy intake have higher rates of prostate disease.
  • Prostate health booster foods include Lycopene (from cooked tomato product), pomegranate and even soymilk. Soy milk contains phytoestrogens, which are natural occurring estrogens that counter the testosterone levels of men who are more likely to develop prostate cancer. Flaxseeds and Omega-3 oils, flaxseeds (for an extra boost), turmeric (paired with cauliflower for an additional boost), green tea, garlic, scallions, Brazil nuts, flaxseeds, flaxseeds and Omega-3 oils.

What is great for prostate health?

Aerobic exercise is great for prostate health. It helps to drain the prostate from fluids that can buildup, become infected, and cause prostate swelling and inflammation.

Prostatitis and prostate cancer are both caused by inflammation. Exercise is a great way to combat obesity, which is linked with a higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

Can your lifestyle be linked to your prostate problems?

Lifestyle: Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking greatly increase your risk of developing prostate carcinoma. Limit your intake of alcohol to 2 drinks per day, red wine preferred for its antioxidants.

Supplements: Vitamin E, Vitamin D, and selenium have been shown to be beneficial in the prevention of prostate cancer. They also strengthen the immune system.

What are signs of prostate problems?

These signs and symptoms produce enhanced urgency or trouble to urinate, troubles in emptying the bladder, rest disturbances due to frequent nighttime urination, fragile or sporadic blast of urine, dribbling by the end of urination and psychological distress.